Berthoud Pass at Dawn
So as I sit here one Friday AM drinking some coffee and doing some laundry before heading out to wage war on inspiring the masses (my current occupation when not skiing) and as the sun is shining and it looks like the only major stoke I might be able to provide this next week is from the Corn/Ice/Dust on crust Harvest at Loveland tomorrow. Most likely which will be centered around hilarity of sorts.
So that being said, I promised photos from the part of the season that I totally forgot to post so here they are!
As far as chronology goes, chronology be damned, but for those of you that enjoy a nice linear viewing period, I'm starting from last weekend and movin' backward.

Goatse gettin' inverted

Carl launching off Junior

Brandon finding the pow that he came searching for

Doug skiin' out of the tree chute

Doug launchin' the cornice on Jones

Brandon rippin' the powder wheels
It's been a good season, I'm at day 63 so far, way short of my goal, but I've come to some great realizations and I also feel like I'm skiing up to par. What the summer and next season will hold, I can't tell, but I hope it will be good and when I look over these photos, it brings a smile to my face. Right now I'm looking forward to a summer of climbing and probably another month or so of skiing. There's a couple of coolies that I've got in mind that need some tracks laced down them, but even in the middle of that I'll still be dreaming of powder.