So once again, as always I suck at upkeeping of the blog. Today's report of my suckage finds me in Copenhagen doing a 5 week study abroad program in digital arts and media and working with a firm Ornesto Mong on a project in Ostebroj (a small neighborhood in the north of Copenhagen). Link to their site here:
As always traveling has been a whirlwind of emotions and a wave of joys, ups, downs, drunken stumbling, cigarette smoke and burbles of new sound. It's been good. It's been good to be out of my comfort zone again, to go some place familiar yet new and try to see it through a new lens. New lenses are always good. Walking around this city and hearing the language feels so familiar to me, yet different. Copenhagen has gone through a lot of changes in the last 10 years (probably the last time I spent a significant amount of time here) and this is the first time I've ever been here and not been on a family trip. Family trips are great, but there are certain things that you don't experience when your on a family trip, like what do the streets of Vesterbroj look like at 4 am after an all day long street party? Usually not included on the family tour.
So this is a quick check in, I've been here for about two and a half weeks now with another two weeks left in Copenhagen and then I'm off to Stockholm, Oslo and back to Skagen to participate in a family trip. One of the assignments we've had here has been a weekly Journaling project which is essentially a digital media creation that has to do with anything that we feel like expresses some part of us. Here's a quick video slideshow I created for this weeks. I'm not sure what about me it expresses, but all the photos were taken in this trip so far, and it kind of reminds me of the last time I took mushrooms.(which was a while ago for those adult types reading this!)
Untitled from Hans Flinch on Vimeo.