Well, the ski season is working itself to a close and I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to get my next 6 days in to hit 75. At this time of the year if its cloudy and been raining/snowing, it's generally not worth hitting the high alpine and those lines that I've been waiting for. Between the oddly wet weather and the dust layer the snow seems to be melting on the days that I'm at work and reaccumulating on the days that I'm off (Note: this would have been awesome had this been mid season, Cooly season-different story). Our plans to climb and ski the Emperor Couloir on Torrerys scrapped because of the wet weather, my buddy Jeff and I headed to Clear Creek Canyon to get some climbing in. Great climbing weather, well overcast and not too hot, however I gotta say my climbing leaves something to be desired, I guess that's what I get for not hitting the gym all season. It was a ton of fun to get out on some rock, but man I'm out of climbing shape. I don't have any pictures from today, but I've got some pictures from last weeks trip up to Golden Cliffs (much easier climbing than Clear Creek) and Mel's first finished route (5.7! not bad!)
Right after the crux
Close to the top!
and shackles banged!
I'm so proud! Headed up to Boulder Canyon tomorrow for some more bolt clippin' I hope to grab some more pictures while I'm at it.
Stereo- Soul Rebel by Bob Marley
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